Pretty Waves Dress

Pretty Waves Dress Collage

  Pretty Waves Dress

I made my 2 and 9 year old daughters this dress for Christmas last year and wanted to share it with all of you. The size written below was for my 9 year old (8 at the time). This pattern can easily be adjusted to fit any size. The starting chain will change (must be in multiples of 7), and the beginning of the skirt will change. There are directions included for adjusting the sizes. Keep in mind that it will shrink about ½” after completing the first round after the chain. The start and finish stitches will be the same for each row no matter what size you are doing as long as you use a multiple of 7 for the starting chain.

H hook

Preferred Yarn

Color 1- I love this yarn

Color 2- I love this yarn


Tapestry needle


Measuring tape (to check gauge)


9 DC x 5 rows= 2″


SC            Single crochet

HDC        Half double crochet

DC           Double crochet

SL ST       Slip stitch (Join)


Special stitches

Shell stitch- 5DC

Pretty Waves Dress


**Notes** The chain does not count as a stitch. Always join to the first stitch, not the chain. First stitch of the round always goes into the same stitch as the chain unless written otherwise.


Ch91 (or enough to go around the chest, not tightly plus ½”) Join to form a circle.

**Alternate colors every two rows** Starting row and ending row should be the same color

Round 1-2     Ch1. SC, HDC, DC3, HDC, SC. (SC, HDC, DC3, HDC, SC) repeat around. Join. (91)

Round 3-4     Ch2. DC2, HDC, SC. (SC, HDC, DC3, HDC, SC) repeat around ending the last three stitches with SC, HDC, DC. Join. (91)

Round 5-6     Ch1. SC2, HDC, DC3. (SC, HDC, DC3, HDC, SC) repeat around ending the last 6 stitches with SC, HDC, DC3, HDC. Join. (91)

Round 7-8      Ch2. DC3, HDC, SC. (SC, HDC, DC3, HDC, SC) repeat around ending the last 2 stitches with SC, HDC. Join. (91)

Round 9-10    Ch1. HDC, SC. (SC, HDC, DC3, HDC, SC). Repeat around ending the last 5 stitches with SC, HDC, DC3. Join. (91)

Round 11-12    Ch1. HDC, DC3,HDC, SC. (SC, HDC, DC3, HDC, SC) Repeat around ending the last2 stitches with SC, SC. Join. (91)

Round 13-14    Ch2. DC, HDC, SC. (SC, HDC, DC3, HDC, SC) Repeat around ending the last 4 stitches with SC, HDC, DC2. Join. (91)

Round 15-16    Ch1. SC, HDC, DC3, HDC, SC. (SC, HDC, DC3, HDC, SC) Repeat around ending the last stitch with a SC. Join. (91)

Round 17-18    Ch2. DC2, HDC, SC. (SC, HDC, DC3, HDC, SC) Repeat around ending the last 3 stitches with SC, HDC, DC. Join. (91)

Round 19-20    Ch1. SC. (SC, HDC, DC3, HDC, SC) Repeat around ending the last 6 stitches with SC, HDC, DC3, HDC. Join. (91)

Round 21-22     Ch2. DC3, HDC, SC. (SC, HDC, DC3, HDC, SC) Repeat around ending the last 2 stitches with SC, HDC. Join. (91)

Round 23-24      Ch1. HDC, SC (SC, HDC, DC3, HDC, SC) Repeat around ending the last 5 stitches with SC, HDC, DC2. Join. (91)

Round 25-26      Ch1. HDC, DC3, HDC, SC. (SC, HDC, DC3, HDC, SC) Repeat around ending the last 2 stitches with SC2. Join. (91)

Round 27-28      Ch2. DC, HDC, SC. (SC, HDC, DC3, HDC, SC) Repeat around ending the last 4 stitches with SC, HDC, DC2. Join. (91)

Round 29-30       Ch1. SC, HDC, DC3, HDC, SC. (SC, HDC, DC3, HDC, SC) Repeat around. Join. (91)

Round 31-32       Ch2. DC, HDC SC. (SC. HDC, DC3, HDC, SC) Repeat around ending the last 3 stitches with SC, HDC, DC. Join. (91)

Round 33-34      Ch1. SC. (SC, HDC, DC3, HDC, SC) Repeat around ending the last 6 stitches with SC, HDC, DC3, HDC. Join. (91)

Round 35-36       Ch2. DC3, HDC, SC. (SC, HDC, DC3, HDC, SC) Repeat around ending the last 2 stitches with SC, HDC. Join. (91)

Round 37-38       Ch1. HDC, SC (SC, HDC, DC3, HDC, SC) Repeat around ending the last 5 stitches in SC, HDC, DC3. Join. (91) Do not Finish Off.


 If you are altering this pattern for a different size, keep in mind that the following portion for the skirt will be in multiples of 4. In round 1, I increased the amount of stitches by five. For different sizes, you can add as many as you would like by evenly spacing them all the way around. If your final stitch count is not a multiple of 4, you may need to skip more or less stitches at the beginning and end of round 4.I had 96 stitches, so when I completed round 4, I had that skipped stitch at the end. Instead of completing the shell all in the stitch before that last stitch of round 4, I did 2DC and then 1 DC in the last stitch (this will be counted as a shell in the next round, but will prevent a little gap). Depending on the size, you may need to add or take away some rounds for the length of the skirt.

Color 1.

Round 1:       Ch1. (2SC, SC 15) five times. SC 11 in remaining stitches. Repeat around. Join. (96)

If you don’t want to add the white edging in the middle of the dress, skip round 2 and 3 and add two extra rows of the shells.

Round 2-3      Ch1. In BLO, (SC) repeat around.

**Note** the following rounds will be worked in continuous rounds. Use a stitch marker to keep track of your rounds.

Round 4     Ch1. Skip the first stitch, (SC, Skip next stitch, 5DC, skip stitch, SC) Repeat around. When you get to the final 2 stitches, you can split the last shell up by doing 2DC, then 1 DC in the final stitch (this will be counted as a shell for the following round).  Do not join.

Each SC will be worked in the middle of the shell (5DC) from the previous round. The shell stitch (5DC) will be worked in the SC from the previous round.

Round 5-42      (SC in the middle of shell (the third DC) from previous round, Shell (5DC) in the SC from previous round) Repeat around.

Finish off and weave in ends.                         

            Edging (pipsqueak)

Attach pipsqueak yarn to any stitch around the top and (SC) around.

Attach pipsqueak yarn to the unworked loops from round 2 and 3 of the skirt part (insert hook into loop from row 2 and 3 and complete a SC) and (SC) around.

Attach pipsqueak yarn to any stitch around the bottom of the skirt, and (SC) around.


Make 2, leaving a long tail on each end for sewing.


Row 1:       SC in second chain from hook. Skip next chain, 3DC, skip next chain, SC. Turn. (5)

Row 2       Ch2. 2DC, skip stitch, SC, skip stitch, 2DC. Turn. (5)

Row 3        Ch1. SC, skip stitch, 3DC, skip stitch, SC. Turn. (5)


Repeat rows 2 and 3 to desired length. I alternated row 2 and 3 to equal 22 rows. SC around strap, putting 2SC in each corner. Leave long tail for sewing straps to dress.

Attach each strap to the dress on both sides.




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